前回のBE-MUSIC Special Selectionからしばらく経ちまして、お久しぶりです。
BE-MUSIC Special Selection第一弾を発表して迎えた翌2019年、面白いBMSイベントがまた一年中盛りだくさんだったので、BE-MUSIC Special Selectionの続編を企画してみました。
申し訳ないことに2020年がかなり波乱万丈な年だったため、残念なことに公開に遅れが出てしまいました…… しかし公開が遅れたとはいえ、収録させていただいた楽曲のクオリティは素晴らしいため、無事に公開にこぎつけられてよかったです。
BE-MUSIC Special Selection第一弾を発表して迎えた翌2019年、面白いBMSイベントがまた一年中盛りだくさんだったので、BE-MUSIC Special Selectionの続編を企画してみました。
申し訳ないことに2020年がかなり波乱万丈な年だったため、残念なことに公開に遅れが出てしまいました…… しかし公開が遅れたとはいえ、収録させていただいた楽曲のクオリティは素晴らしいため、無事に公開にこぎつけられてよかったです。
- PABAT! 2019 seasons - Welcome to my TOWN -
- 無名戦対抗戦
- 第二回BMS衆議院選
- BMSパッケージ企画「ゆるゆる」
— Hyparpax (訳:ctc)
Well, it's been a long time again. After the first BE-MUSIC Special Selection was released, I immediately started organizing a follow-up since 2019 was full of enjoyable BMS events. Sadly, 2020 was a pretty tumultuous year so I ended up running late again...! I'm really sorry. In any case, the quality of the songs themselves is still good, so I think it's better to release late than never at all!
This time, the compilation includes music from the following:
At 123 tracks, this compilation turned out pretty huge. I'm really amazed about how many people responded and expressed interest, so thank you very much to everyone who participated! I've also been working on improving my mastering since the last compilation's release, so hopefully everything sounds clean. Even though it's been a while since these events took place, I hope people enjoy listening to these songs as well as playing them in-game, and I hope people who haven't played through these events find some new BMS they like.
This time, the compilation includes music from the following:
- PABAT! 2019 seasons - Welcome to my TOWN -
- 無名戦対抗戦
- 第二回BMS衆議院選
- BMSパッケージ企画「ゆるゆる」
At 123 tracks, this compilation turned out pretty huge. I'm really amazed about how many people responded and expressed interest, so thank you very much to everyone who participated! I've also been working on improving my mastering since the last compilation's release, so hopefully everything sounds clean. Even though it's been a while since these events took place, I hope people enjoy listening to these songs as well as playing them in-game, and I hope people who haven't played through these events find some new BMS they like.
— Hyparpax